
Sunday, 15 April 2012

Metaphysical thoughts

I wanted to play with composition and make an uneasy composition ( almost falling off the edge;-))

hand-bound marbled journal made in Venice

A lovely surprise gift was given to me this morning, a friend of mine Nancy just got back from Venice, she bought me this hand-bound marbled journal, wonderful! I think that I'll use it for colour studies.

Saturday, 14 April 2012


The lake at midnight 2012 metal sheet, acrylic and nail polish on reclaimed timber

Saturday, 7 April 2012

A Rose of a different kind

Briar Rose, oil, marker pen, found timber on wood

Old one reworked

Rummaging around in my studio and found this small work, a smudge of blue with a smudge of green then a marker pen to finish!

                    12x12inches oil and marker pen on unprimed canvas